Welcome to GD Super Speciality Hospital


Surgical Oncology

Oncology heals, uplifts, and empowers in the battle against cancer.

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GD Hospital’s Surgical Oncology Department is dedicated to providing broad treatment for Cancer patients.

Our experienced Surgical Oncologists specialize in managing various Malignancies, Ensuring precise Tumor removal and Optimal outcomes. We integrate Advanced Surgical techniques with a Multidisciplinary approach, Collaborating with other specialists to deliver personalized and Effective Cancer treatment.

Our goal is to provide the Highest Quality of care and Improve the Quality of life for our patients. We strive to ensure the best possible outcome for every patient and provide support and compassion through every step of their Cancer journey.
We believe that early diagnosis and detection are key to successful Cancer treatment. We also focus on providing extensive instruction and support to our patients, Empowering them to make informed decisions about their health.

Our Doctors


SURGICAL ONCOLOGYDr. Suresh Kumar MS, MCH (Surgical Onco)

Dr. Suresh Kumar, MS., MCH., (Surgical Onco), an esteemed and compassionate surgical Oncologist, known for exceptional surgical skills and a dedicated approach to comprehensive cancer care.


MCH ( Surgical Onco)

Dr. Ravisankar, MS., MCH., (Surgical Onco), a highly-skilled, compassionate surgical Oncologist, Specializing in comprehensive and Personalized cancer care with expertise and empathy.


SURGICAL ONCOLOGYDr. P. Dhamodhara kumaran DMRT, MD ( Radiation Oncology)

Dr. P. Dhamodhara Kumaran, DMRT, MD (Radiation Oncology), is a renowned radiation oncologist known for his compassionate care and optimal treatment outcomes for cancer patients.